- Arts
Drawing & Painting
Drawing and Painting 1A/1B
UC/CSU 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Year
This course introduces students to essential concepts and skills in two-dimensional visual art. It lays a foundation for careers in illustration, fine art, and many design fields. Popular and professional art materials are used in projects leading to mastery of perspective, shading, portraiture, caricature, graphic design principles, and observational, photo-based, and imaginative drawing and painting, Students create a portfolio of artwork suitable for art school admissions requirements. Student work is exhibited in the Capo Art Gallery. Effective use of art vocabulary and methods of aesthetic critique are taught through the study of class projects, masters from popular culture and art history, and art gallery field trips. Guest speakers from college art programs clarify how students can pursue related careers.
UC/CSU 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Year *Prerequisite
This course helps students develop more technical competence, art historical awareness, and personal, creative expression in a variety of 2D visual art practices. It builds on concepts and skills covered in Drawing/Painting 1. A primary goal is creating artwork suitable for college admissions portfolios. Student work is exhibited in the Capo Art Gallery. Students also gain confidence in speaking and writing about their artwork and that of others. Many advanced students also participate in community art festivals, contests, and pre-college art programs. Art gallery field trips and guest speakers increase awareness of the role and impact of art outside the classroom.
Course may be repeated for credit.
*Completion of Drawing and Painting 1A, 1B or teacher approval
Kent Baker
Drawing/Painting, IB Visual Art & Animation Teacher
Drawing/Painting, IB Visual Art & Animation Teacher