- Guidance
- Guidance
- CUSD High School Course Catalog
- CVHS Course Catalog
- Graduation Requirements
- Academics & Advisement
- Canvas Login and Support
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- Counselor's Corner
- Future Cougar Information - New & Incoming Students
- Senior College & Career Information
- College and Career Information
- CUSD Futureology
- College and Career Advantage (CCA)
- Testing Information
- Scholarships
- Seal of Biliteracy
- DREAMers
- Who to Contact in Guidance
- New Student Enrollment Information
New Student Enrollment Information
New Student Enrollment for Fall 2025
Families new to CUSD:
- Step 1: Please contact the Guidance Office Clerk/Registrar to confirm your neighborhood school or click on the link below to be connected to the Capistrano Unified School District Website. This link provides an opportunity to verify your neighborhood home school by typing in your street address. CUSD School Locator App
- Step 2: Complete our online Aeries Internet Registration (2025-2026) to enroll your student at CVHS. Once your student is enrolled you will receive an email detailing the next steps and what to bring to New Student Enrollment.
- Step 3: Contact the Guidance Office for a New Students Enrollment appointment. 949-364-6100 our student will also meet with his or her Counselor to select fall classes. Although some classes and programs become impacted, we do our best to accommodate students into requested courses.
Feeder School students or CUSD School of Choice student:
- Please visit our Future Cougar page
Check List
Document Name
Recent Utility Bill
[Gas, water or electric bill only!]
Mortgage Statement or Rental Agreement
2 Proofs of Residency
(CUSD School Board Policy cf.5111. Admission)
The enrolling student must be living with a blood relative or guardian who lives within the Capistrano Valley High School attendance area. The relative/guardian must submit two documents for verification of residency (must be current electric, gas or water/sewer bill, mortgage, lease or rental agreement). If the student and parent reside with someone else they must have a driver’s license with the new address. A bank statement or other bill with their name and address on it will suffice as well.
If there is any reason to question a student’s residence, the principal or designee may make a home visit, require the parent/guardian to sign a statement under penalty or perjury as to the validity of his/her residence, or require additional documents establishing proof of residence.
No prior enrollment in any CUSD School
Prior CUSD Attendance
Birth Certificate
A copy of the student’s birth certificate is required if the student has not previously been enrolled at a school in California.
Immunization Record
Students will not be admitted without proper documentation of immunization. A copy of the “Yellow” Health Record or other Official Health Record (School or doctor) must be provided to the school.
Unofficial Transcript or Report Cards
An unofficial transcript or report card is necessary to ensure the student is placed in the appropriate classes to meet CUSD graduation requirements. Please provide this document as follows:
Any student transferring mid-semester will need to bring “in progress withdrawal grades” from their previous school. After a student has enrolled at Capistrano Valley High School, the guidance office will request the official records/cum file from the previous school.
Driver's License, Photo ID or Passport
Verification of Parent/Guardian Identity
All parents or guardians must furnish current photo ID in order to enroll a student.
Additional paperwork that may be required:
- If you are assuming responsibility for a child with the permission of that child's parents, you will need to provide a notarized Power of Attorney and complete a Caregiver's Authorization Affidavit.
- If your child needs Special Education, please bring a copy of the latest I.E.P. (Individualized Education Plan)
- If English is the student's second language, preliminary assessment will be done. Further assessment may be needed.
Immediately after enrollment, a Registration Packet may be provided to the student. All required registration forms must be completed and turned in during walk through registration or on the first date of attendance.
Parents and Students are required to use the Parent Portal to update Student/Parent/Contact Information. All students must complete the registration process every year. This includes current CUSD students who are automatically enrolled from the prior middle schools and Capistrano Valley HS students from the prior school year of attendance. These required forms includes the following:
- Data Confirmation through Parent Portal
- Student Ethnicity/Race
- Voluntary Drug Testing Program Form
- McKinney-Vento Assistance Act
- Migrant Education Program (if applicable)
Packet Pick-up:
(time determined by birth month) |
Seniors - TBD
Juniors - TBD
Sophomores - TBD
Freshman - TBD
Make-up Registration: TBD
Freshman and New Student Orientation